How to ask a Recruiter for an Update

Is it okay to ask your recruiter for an update after your interview? Or will they be bothered by such a message? If you actually decide to ask for an update, how long to wait after your meeting? And what exactly should you say in the message? What to do if there is no response after a few days?

Questions like these can occur if you are a newbie job searcher. You should be very careful asking a recruiter for updates about your job. You have to write your message very politely. Your recruiter should also see that you are really interested in the job. But also remember not to sound very desperate and demanding. After making a good impression at your interview, you do not at all want to make a bad impression by asking for updates. You have to draw a line between being assertive and aggressive.

Also Read: How to Follow Up with Recruiters After Your Interview

So, the question still remains. How to ask your recruiter for an update without annoying them? Then read on. We will shed light on how to write your message politely and professionally. Then we will talk about when and how it is best to ask a recruiter for an update. Writing a follow up message can be tricky, but not if you keep in mind the little details that come with it.

Is it right to ask my recruiter for updates?

After being interviewed, you have the right to ask for updates about it. But first things first. You should not be burdening your recruiter with questions moments after your interview. Give it a wait for about a week. If you have not heard from them, you can definitely write an email asking for an update about your status regarding the job.

If you have applied online, it can be a little frustrating to keep waiting. Recruiters may even be unmindful if there are too many candidates. Writing a mail for an update in that case can even bring you to their focus. If there are multiple rounds of screening, you can definitely ask for an update regarding your qualifications if you have not heard from the recruiters in a while.

It is not a problem to ask recruiters for an update regarding the next step of the hiring process. So long as your message is concise and you are sounding professional, your recruiters will not feel bothered by your questions.

How recruiters really feel about update-seeking messages

If you are still thinking about whether your recruiter will get annoyed by your message, let’s clear things up. Yes, they are busy with other work, but you also have a right to check in about your job. A recruiter’s job is to provide you with updates regarding your performance and also support you through the recruitment process. If you have a negative experience while being hired, the reputation of the organization may be in danger. So, by asking for an update, you are also helping them to do their job.

Recruiters often reply to check-in messages and even respond with updates regarding jobs. They may even thank you for following up. They may think that your inquiry is a helpful reminder to go through your application in more detail. In this case, it is a plus point for you too. Your message may help the recruiter to get in touch with others concerned faster than you may have thought. So, by all means, go send in that question for an update!

The right time to ask for an update

Timing is very important when you are dealing with your recruiters. You do not want to spoil your impression by sounding too pushy or impatient. Asking too soon may seem demanding, while asking too late may be unprofessional. You have to keep the right balance when it comes to timing.

If the hiring people have given you a particular deadline after which they will respond, wait till it is over. If you have still not heard from them, it is totally okay to ask for an update.

If you have faced another job offer, then you must ask for an update. Let them know of the alternative position you have been selected for. Then they may be prompt with the reply.

Points to follow while asking for an update

Step 1: Choose the medium

If your recruiter is communicating with you via email, it is best to stick to it for an update. But if they have been texting you or talking on calls, it is okay to do that as well. But emails are by far the most professional way to go.

Step 2: Write a professional and polite message

You should maintain a professional tone in your message. Do not crowd it with unnecessary details. Do not forget to express your gratitude for the opportunity the organization has given you. Highlight important information like your name and date of interview if possible.

Step 3: Clearly mention your purpose

In the beginning of your message, clearly mention why you are writing the message. This shows that you respect the time your recruiter may take out of their schedule to read it. Specify the position you have applied for as recruiters may be dealing with multiple candidates at once.

Step 4: Make your enthusiasm felt

Be careful and ensure that your recruiter understands how passionate and grateful you are for the opportunity. Make them understand that you really want to work with the organization. This can make your hiring managers consider your name more seriously and check your supplication details more thoroughly.

Step 5: Closing and proofreading

When it comes to writing any formal message, it is very important to have a professional closing statement. You should make them understand gratitude for the opportunity. Remember to personally thank them for their time and support. Proofread your message at the end. See that there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. This shows you professionalism. It makes a good impression on the recruiters.


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