How to Follow Up with Recruiters After Your Interview

So many candidates are now competing for limited jobs in the market. It is very hectic for recruiters to constantly keep all people who have applied in the loop. On the other hand, it is also very frustrating to keep waiting for an answer after a job interview. Should you wait till they send you a message? Or should you seek another opportunity somewhere else? It can actually be quite a tense situation.

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But did you know that it is totally okay to follow up on your interview? Writing a decent, polite email once in a while to check up on your hiring status is not a problem at all. In fact, if you do so, there may be a chance that your recruiters can remember you and admire your enthusiasm! Here we will tell you all about how to follow up with a recruiter.

First Things Before Sending Out a Follow-Up Message

Today’s job market is very competitive. Lots of people may have the same skills as you. So, it is important to have good connections with your recruiters. Even if someone is not hiring you now, always stay connected to them. This is why follow-ups are important. Contacts with good recruiters may help you to get other job interviews easily in the future.

Following up with your recruiter is very important. You should give an outline of how your interview went. Then add some information about which experts were present there and the others involved in the process. Always be honest about the good and bad points you had in the conversation.

A good recruiter will gather all the data needed and share it with the hiring manager. This can lead to a conversation about whether or not you will continue in the process. They can also tell you what will be needed to improve upon the next round if you have qualified for that.

Points to Keep in Mind in Your Follow-Up Messages

So, you are following up with a recruiter. But before that, you should always keep in mind a few things. Make them feel your enthusiasm for the job. Always make sure to request their feedback and give any extra information they might need about you.

  • In your follow-up message, you should sound professional. Say what you have to say in a very concise way. Leave the door open for further communication with your recruiter.
  • Begin with formal greetings and politely pose the question about your interview.
  • Clearly mention the position you have applied for and the date of your interview. Say that you have been grateful for the opportunity.
  • Make them feel how your skills and passion exactly fit the role you have been interviewed for.
  • If there was any specific point about the company or a project you had discussed, tell them your feelings about that and say you are looking forward to discussing more of it. In the end, mention that their feedback will be very valuable to you for your future endeavors.

Further considerations regarding follow-up messages

Check your follow-up message carefully even after writing it. This is because it will make up your impression in the minds of the recruiters. It is important to be honest and totally transparent in your messages. Recruiters are very busy and mostly paid by commissions. So, you have to respect the time they will be taking out to read your message. Do not cram your message with unnecessary details.

You should also be prompt in sending messages and keep the recruiter updated about your job search status. Even if you do not have any news, you can definitely check in from time to time. This shows your continued interest in the job. It also helps you to stay on the radar.

Also, remember to strike the right balance between showing interest and appearing too pushy.  Behind the scenes, your interviewer will share the summary of your meeting with the concerned parties. So, it can take quite some time to go through everyone who has interviewed. This is especially true if you have applied at a famous establishment.

In the meantime, you can send out an email thanking your recruiters. This has to be sent in a few days after your interview. Show them that you appreciate the opportunity that they have given you. Make them feel how strongly interested you are in the job. Wait for a week after you have sent out the email. If you still have not heard from them, it is not at all unwise to send another follow-up email.

If you have some contacts in the organization, you can also reach out to them. You can ask if they can look into the matter and inform you about the situation. They may help you know whether your name is being strongly considered or not. If not, you can move on to other applications.

It may feel a little disheartening to not hear from your recruiter right away. But it is important to understand that you may not nail every interview. However, it is also true that many applicants can accomplish a lot with a follow-up mail. It brings closer attention to your application, and perhaps your recruiters may look into your skills with more attention.

Keep calm and do not let your sentiment get the better of you. Avoid sending hasty emails as follow-ups that may sound desperate. If you do not have the kind of connection with the recruiter, avoid sending them texts or making phone calls continuously.

The Bottom Line

Following up after a job interview can be very important for applicants. This is especially true if you have applied with many others in a big establishment. Even if you are not hired, your interactions can make a good impression. Following up with recruiters will help you to get important contacts. This will help to boost your confidence in job-seeking and perhaps make it easier to get contacts for future opportunities.


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